“A period of preparation and fasting has likely been observed before the Easter festival since apostolic times, though the practice was not formalized until the First Council of Nicaea in 325 ce.” Wikipedia
New members were traditionally admitted to membership in the church during the Easter festival. To reach that goal they had to undergo a year of training that climaxed during 40 days before Easter. Even today we still see vestiges of this practise of using Lent for study whether individually or in groups. The idea of giving something up for Lent seems at cross purposes to this. Perhaps the thought originally was that the theology being studied would lead you to change your ways (thereby giving up something) and so improving your efficacy to live a Christian life. Spiritual growth tests old concepts that we hold about ourselves and leads to new understanding which in turn evolves to changes in how we live.
COVID-19 has put us all through a year long course in which we have been forced to look at ourselves and our priorities, to consider what is important to us in our society and our world. Will we wear masks that mainly protect those we are with and not ourselves? How much stuff do we really need to survive and what is disposable window dressing? How do we cope when everything in our lives changes in an instant and then changes again? What, if anything, do we have control over? These and many other questions have been part of our learning over the past year. I have tried to share my thoughts on some or them in my blogs this Lent. I hope if nothing else that they have made you more aware of your learning through this pandemic. As Jesus lived in this world, so to do we. As that bracelet says WWJD, so we must ask ourselves as we come out of this pandemic. Have we learned to be kinder, more loving, more inclusive, more open to change, more ready to put the needs of others ahead of our own? Has this year-long Lent been fruitful?
Only time will tell...
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