Each year I have had a theme in mind for my blogs during Advent season, sometimes even having them written in advance.. This year however the well seems to have run dry.
Advent is that season of the church calendar when we are called upon to prepare ourselves for the Christmas celebration that speaks of the entry of Jesus into history, and into our lives. As I sit here at the computer I find myself thinking of what I am doing this year, this week in particular, that will prepare me this participate fully in the Christmas event. How can I become more cognizant, more immersed, in what is called commercially, ‘the reason for the season’? This is what I hope to explore over the next few weeks and I would invite you to join me in that exploration.
As the Advent begins I find myself getting out the Christmas decorations, thinking about writing the annual family Christmas letter, setting up playlists of Christmas music on my phone, filling Christmas festivities on my calendar. I want to be be ready for the day when it arrives. While there is nothing intrinsically wrong with any of these activities, I can’t help but wonder if they really have anything to do with the preparations I should be making to celebrate the entry of Hope, Joy, Love and Peace into today’s world.
So the question that I want to focus on over the next few weeks is simply this. “What am I doing or maybe not doing] over this special time, set aside for this purpose, to welcome the Christ Child into our world today?

How often have I been guilty of the same thing? Too stressed out, too busy with the demands of the season, to take the time to see the people with whom I am interacting. Do I take the time to really listen to what they are saying? Or do I react to their needs by giving them what I can, without inconveniencing myself?
I need to tell myself to slow down, to take time to listen, to be in the present, to help each person feel valued and heard this first week in Advent.
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