I noticed this slogan
“in sod we trust” on a truck from a nearby sod farm recently as I was driving through our town. It
made me think . . .Yes, in this part of Canada, with our short growing season,
we do trust in sod to have those perfect green lawns, THIS year. These lawns do not appear magically
however. We feel they are worth the
investment of our hard-earned dollars, followed by hours of watering as we
encourage them to grow in the normally hot dry summers . . . to say nothing of
using more of our hard-earned cash, to pay the ensuing water bill. Oh, yes, and
we erect little fences around them to protect the sod from being trampled on by
feet, both big and little. So, yes, we trust ‘in sod’ to give the lawns we
desire, but it is not without the investment of both our time and money.
This slogan, of course, is a play on the slogan we
are all familiar with from USA coins: “In God we trust” – a slogan which seems
like a mantra to many today. However, as
we do with the sod, are we willing to give what is needed of our time and our
money to nurture this trust? Do we put ourselves ‘out there’, say this is so
important to us, that we are visibly
putting our trust in God? Or has this
phrase become so familiar that we just accept it as something that just happens
with little or no effort on our part?
Each of us has to answer this for ourselves. We
only put our time and money into that which is important to us.
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