Over the past month, I, like many of you, have been watching an Amaryllis grow to maturity, waiting for the day when it comes into full bloom. As it bends daily towards the winter light coming in the window, I turn it, so that the following day, it’s stem will straighten and the stalk will stand tall again., knowing that one day it will bloom.
How like raising a child that is. You watch over them daily, correcting here, praising there and hoping that they will one day become fully-functioning members of society.
We all have those events in our lives that push and pull us in diverse ways. And that is how we are like the Amaryllis as it bends towards the light. We too can bend until we are out of shape, and unrecognizable to even ourselves. When that happens (and it will) we need to remember those words that are repeated so many times throughout the bible, “Fear not!”. Don’t fear either the good times or the bad times. If we have our feet firmly planted on the way we want to go, neither good or bad will be able to deflect us for long. It is easy to get sidetracked by one or the other. Learning to accept each without letting it change who you are, learning to not over-react, learning to fear not.
In the colloquial language of The Message Bible, Isaiah 41:10 reads:
In the colloquial language of The Message Bible, Isaiah 41:10 reads:
“Don’t panic. I‘m with you. There’s no need to fear for I am your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.”
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