“Why? Why? Why? Why am I writing my blog? What is it that has kept me doing it for almost 6 years? How could I possibly find so much to write about?” These thoughts and others like them whirl about in my head at night when I can’t sleep. The suggestion that I write a blog came out of the blue, a suggestion that it took me almost a year to act upon. The beginning of this blog also owes it existence to my introduction to EfM ( Education for Ministry), an adult education course in modern biblical scholarship within the Anglican community and my experiences there. As I said to anyone who asked why I was writing a blog (and by inference, why would anyone ever read it!) my goal was to make people think about their faith. Not to convince them of what was right or wrong, but rather to have them consider another way of looking at their faith and how it impacts their lives.

It seems that this is not actually true any more … or so I discovered this past week as I was reading ‘Honest to God’ by John A.T. Robinson, where in chapter 3, Robinson says.. “God, since he[sic] is Love, is encountered in his fullness only between ‘man[sic] and man[sic]’… it is only in response and obedience to the neighbour that the claims of God can be met and known.”
As I read and re-read the above quote I realized that it was speaking of the reason I write this blog. These stories of my meanderings and my interactions with other people have led me to discover who and what God is for me. I hope that the same thing might become true for others, that they too will begin to see God everywhere. My God can be found in the happenstances of everyday life, in the chance encounters as well as the important ones, not only in a church, but more often outside wherever human interaction occurs. It can be as simple as an unexpected smile, giving your time to a food bank or taking part in a demonstration for human rights and equality. Anytime you and another interact, God is there.
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