I have one favourite day each year. Do you? Mine isn’t Christmas, nor is it my birthday. But instead it is that day each Autumn, when we set the clocks back an hour at the end of Daylight Saving time and we all get that extra hour of sleep. Now, an extra hour of sleep mayn’t speak to speak to you but it is very important in the life of someone who has never been a ‘morning person’!
This year I have been thinking about just why I am so drawn to this day [other that the reason above, that is. …lol…]. It is a time my reality and the reality of the universe are the same. When I don’t have to fight against that reality. When I can pretend just for a few hours that I am really in control!
Sound strange??? Well in the spring, I can try to outfox the beginning of daylight saving when we set the clocks back, by going to bed an hour early. That makes it possible that I get the sleep I need, BUT at the expense of whatever else I might have done in that hour. So one way or another I am losing. In the fall I have the luxury of a extra hour to do whatever I want with.

Perhaps life would be easier for all of us, if the idea of Daylight Saving Time was scrapped altogether. After all we aren’t changing the actual amount of daylight, but just changing how it appears in ‘our day’ What we are doing is ‘Living the Reality we want, not the reality that is’ , trying to prove the WE are in control and that WE know what is best for our species. The farmers are still up with the sun, regardless of the time the clock say. For the rest of us the extra hour of daylight at the end of our day really doesn’t make any difference. We have to be at work whenever the time rolls around on the clock. There are still the the same number of hours pf daylight. What we do have is more traffic accidents occurring after the time is changed, as well as the difficulty of getting our bodies to live happily with the new rhythm of our days. And all because we don’t want to live the reality that is….but live our illusion of that reality. To prove WE are in control.
Is it really worth it???
Is it really worth it???
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