“I believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”

As I have replayed this scenario over in my head, I began to realize that what I had experienced then was not unlike the reverse of what is written in the Bible about the Tower of Babel. It is a story I have always understood was designed to explain why there are different languages across the world. But as I had just experienced, sometimes when we are speaking the same language, we are in fact not understanding what the other is saying. In this case it was easily rectified because [a] both my friends and I knew that I just ‘wasn’t getting it’ and [b] they quickly reverted to using a visual aid to help me understand.

The key to that understanding is not speaking the same language but rather realizing that what is heard is not what is meant. Realizing that although an onlooker might think you were speaking the same language, in fact you aren’t. You aren’t because your upbringing, the society you have lived in up to this time, your education and your religion, all shape how language is understood in the present. Is this perhaps the another meaning behind the biblical story of the Tower of Babel? That in reality we are all speaking a different language. That we can’t understand the other because what we hear means something different to each of us. That language is not the real barrier to understanding but rather it is our ignorance and lack of understanding of the others’ story.
I wonder……
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