Some leaves don’t change colour, some change colour sooner that the rest, and some simply become part of the grand overall spectacle. Something like humans, I thought, as we pass through childhood and to adulthood with all its complexities and responsibilities. Then we come to our senior years when we are free to explore those things the delight us and in the end, the memories we leave behind will continue to influence the growth of the next generation.
But even more it duplicates our spiritual growth. We spend most of our life being involved in living out the religion of our youth like a green leaf. We ‘do’ all the things we were taught were important; things like going to church regularly and being part of the activities there. We bake for the bake sales. Some of us polish the brass for the sacristy. We sing in the choir. We help the life of the church in many varied roles. And it couldn’t survive without that help!
And unfortunately, that is as far as many of us will go. We end up burnt-out, disenchanted and feeling overworked….for what? We have become like the dull brown leaves I saw this year. Leaves that perhaps were stressed out by the extreme heat of this summer past.
If we have been fortunate enough to mature in our faith, we are like the red and orange maple leaves, changing the landscape where we live out this new understanding. An understanding that we share with those around us, thus influencing how they will live their lives out as well.
This autumn shall be for me
the most glorious
of them all
for I shall no longer struggle possessively
to clutch life
but instead like a leaf let myself be blown
by God’s spirit
and whenever
I touch the earth
sing the song of the universe,
dance in the power of God’s grace and with tenderness
offer myself
to all.
(from progressivechristianity.org)
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