It took meeting someone later on in life, who actually listened, and not only listened, but accepted what I said as having value, that I began to develop MY voice. It wasn’t easy. It didn’t happen overnight.
I started leading a small group. When the discussions bogged down with everyone saying they agreed with whatever was being discussed, I would toss out the thought that was hiding in my head It never failed to provoke a heated discussion, after which the others in the group would end up sharing what was really in their heads and hearts at that time. But I lived in fear of one day saying something that would be deemed unforgivable.

This blog is now my voice. When it was first suggested to me that I might write one, it took another 14 months for me to act on that suggestion. Given my life experiences, I was quite sure that no one would be interested in, or relate to, anything I had to write. So as I go into the sixth year of writing and publishing these blogs, I must thank you, my readers, for helping me find my voice. I will always remember those words of Margaret Atwood’s, “A voice is a gift. It should be cherished and used.”
“None of us are getting out of here alive…Say the truth you’re carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure…There’s no time for anything else.” Anthony Hopkins
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