A candle to welcome brave Mary's new boy
Our hearts fill with wonder and eyes light and glow
As joy brightens winter like sunshine on snow”
~ words by Sandra Dean
The word that jumps out of this verse to me is the word 'brave'.

I well remember my stay in the maternity wing on a local hospital in the mid-1960s, with a skeleton staff working between Christmas and New Years. The nurse looked at me, and said, 'You teenage girls have no business getting pregnant and then coming in here expecting us to look after you!' In her defence she was probably tired out and wanting to be home with her family over the holidays. For me, 23 years old and married for 4 years, it hurt but wasn't devastating. However it has stayed with me all these years coming to mind each Christmas as I hear the story of this pregnant, teenage, unmarried mother. And I wonder just how much the world has actually changed

Each parent wants the best for their child, wants them to thrive and become the best that they can be. When the physical or emotional needs of a child aren't met, that child becomes 'at risk'. And so I wonder how many of these ‘at risk’ children there are out there in the world right now. And more particularly what is being done for them as we remember the birth of this one baby long ago.
What can you do to 'welcome' one of these 'at risk' babies and bring joy into that mother's life this Christmas?
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