Do we really believe this? How many people have you heard say, “there’s nothing I can do. I am too old, too young, too poor, too busy? Take your pick of these and a myriad of other excuses. And that’s all they are. For we make a statement with whatever we do. If we sit at home, if we go to a rally, if we ignore the homeless man on the street corner, we are making a statement. about who we are and what we believe.

We seem to feel that only the big things we do are important, while in the meanwhile ignoring the impact we have as we live our lives day to day. Unfortunately we will never appreciate just how great this impact has been. But every moment we are alive has an impact on someone or other. Do we gossip? Are we someone who sees the best in people and situations? Are we sharing, compassionate? Do we make snide remarks about those who are different? What is the underlying tenet of your life? Love? Greed? Self-interest? Distributive justice? Retributive justice?

“This is God’s message: Attend to matters of justice. Set thing right between people. Rescue victims from their explorers. Don’t take advantage of the homeless, the orphans, the widows. Stop the murdering” Jeremiah 22:3 [MSG]
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