Miracles do happen! One just came into my life just this past week. We were in a local car dealership, looking into updating the car we had been leasing from them. When we found what we were looking for, a hybrid that was not too big and not to small for our driving taste, we entered into the final stage of looking at details like warranties, etc. And it was here that the miracle entered into my life! [No, they didn’t offer to give it to us for nothing!….lol…] We could purchase undercoating for the new car, at the same price as regular undercoating, that we could move to our next vehicle for continued protection!!!

Later that same day, I found myself asking myself this question: ‘is this modern miracle of mine any different than the miracles found in the Gospels?’ And my answer has to be, ‘I suspect not!’
While the miracles by Jesus in the Gospels were unexplainable by the knowledge of that day, they certainly might well have explanations in this modern day, even explanations that are understandable by the average person. Does this make them any less of a miracle? Does this mean that portraying them as a miracle in the Bible is a falsehood? No to both of these statements. As with everything else, the authors of the Gospels were writing from their lived experiences, from their knowledge base, and for them, these were in fact ‘miracles’, something they saw as unexplainable. We need to remember that it is not 21st century doctors writing these gospels, but people who were trying to recorded oral history about events that they had, in all probability, not witnessed.
Even if we can explain now in the 21st century how the miracles in the Gospels must have worked, it doesn't matter. They probably still happened, and for the people involved that is what is important. For me, this little black box attached to the underside of our car will always be a miracle. If it is not a miracle for you, because you understand about ‘nano technology’, it does’t matter. The result will still be the same - no rust!
Miracles, then are highly individualized, depending on the lived experience and the knowledge of the beholder. What in your life, is a miracle to you?
Miracles, then are highly individualized, depending on the lived experience and the knowledge of the beholder. What in your life, is a miracle to you?
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