“Turn your enemies into friends by doing something nice for them.”

And it even might work - particularly if our enemy is a neighbour. We could snow blow the driveway or cut the grass a couple of times for them depending on the season. Surely that would change them into friends! If our enemy is in the workplace, bringing them a cup of coffee and a donut a few times a week or offering to help them with a last minute assignment should do the trick very nicely.
But what if our enemy is a world away? What if our enemy is somebody different from us in appearance, ideology, religion? What could we do, or indeed even what do we want to do, that would be something ‘nice’ for them? Somehow sending instruments of ‘mass destruction’ their way seems to ensure that while they may not become our friends they will at least be ‘dead’ enemies. but is that what we are called to do?
Jesus is quoted as saying in Matthew 7.12: ‘In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets. This seems to go a little beyond being ‘nice’ to our enemies. We are told to treated EVERYONE else as we want to be treated … with no exceptions! No being nice only to those who it is convenient or safe to be nice to.
Where does your faith call you to go?
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