“Mrs. Lynde says, ‘Blessed are they
who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.” –
L.M. Montgomery
like a no-brainer, doesn't it. And I guess it is, if your expectation results in your
disappointment. I realized however that this wasn’t how things were playing out
in my life. My expectations were those I had of other people, and when they didn't live up to those expectations, I blamed them for their failure to do so!
Did they know of my expectations? Pretty much… Did they ever promise to fulfill them? No… Were these expectations even ones that might have fit into their
worldview????? I had assumed they were… my mistake! So why then was I so angry
at them?
made this train of thought so interesting to me is that once I realized what I
was doing, my reactions to the situation came more under control. I was able to
step back, look at what was happening, and then make a decision as to what my
reaction would be of a possible three:
Continue to be angry, to feel slighted, unimportant
Drop my expectations completely as not going to happen.
Amend those expectations to fit what might actually be possible.
I passed through my immediate reaction of anger, of how dare they not 'blah,
blah, blah' and moved beyond the stage of ‘I’ll just take my toys and play
elsewhere’, I came out the other side vowing to take whatever was offered that
moved me into my expectations, but not to fault them for not being able to live
up to all of them. Rather to look for those unfulfilled expectations being met
a way this parallels stages of my spiritual maturing away from a theistic god.
As a child, I had complete confidence in the God I prayed to, that ‘he’ would
keep my family and friends safe. Once I began to notice that ‘he/she’ did not
always grant my petitions I came up with whatever reasons worked: I hadn't prayed hard enough, the answer came but wasn't what I asked for and I would
understand eventually, etc. Then came the realization that ‘he/she’ wasn't out
there to answer my petitions. So once again I was faced with the same possible three
reactions. Once again 1 and 2 above were the default positions. Once again the
change ended up being one that had to be made by me based on my understanding of the
It is always easier to put the fault for
something not happening onto someone or something else rather than accept it as
a result of some miscalculation or misunderstanding on your part. I can be
angry at myself for overestimating what someone else or something else is
willing and able to do, but not angry at them. I can rejoice in what comes to
me, without feeling cheated because I really wanted more. My expectations can
remain as great, but I need to realize that they are mine and don’t belong to
whoever or whatever I put them on.
your expectations been unmet lately? How did you handle it?
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