If this tradition,
that is so obviously flawed, but really about something of little importance in
today’s world, is so difficult for me to jettison, then why should I be
surprised at how difficult it is to change outdated religious doctrines and
creeds. These creeds and doctrines, many of which are 1500 years old, came from
a time with a world-view very different from our own. They are how the church leaders of that time,
tried to capture their understanding of God with the knowledge of the world
that was available to them at that time. Even
with the knowledge we have in the 21 century, people still say things
like “The world might be round now, but it was flat back then” [true story!].
Religious beliefs go to the core of our being, and so, YES, they will be the hardest
to change … even harder than being comfortable wearing white after Labour Day!
Sounds like a reframation is necessary.