We say we are Christians. We say we believe in the Holy Spirit. But how many of us attend the weekly service in the church of our choice with no 'real' expectations of anything actually happening beyond the known? I suspect that is the case for many of us.
I know, for myself, the unexpected has happened only 6 times in 41 years of 'regular' church attendance. I suspect it might have happened far more often had I only been open and receptive to it. Each time the setting was different - alone, in a crowd, in a small group, with one other. Each time had different but intense feelings - peace, acknowledgement, support, healing, intense excitement, belonging. Each time I thought, "I just imagined that! It didn't really happen!" Each time is as clear in my memory as the day it happened.
So what can we do to be more open to the Spirit as we worship? Sometimes 'God' will
break through into 'our' present uninvited ... but I suspect that happens rarely! Instead
like the householder (Luke 12:32-40) 'God' hopes to find us awake and waiting to
welcome the Spirit. When we are, 'something' will happen ..
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