As the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine continues across Ontario, the rhetoric between politians and health care experts continues as does the theatrics between Ford and the opposition parties. Whose rights take precedence this debate? Is it the individual or society? Are we kowtowing to big business letting the little guy make all sacrifices? The growth of infection is scary as it threatens to completely overwhelm the health care system. To who should we listen? Does that even make a difference?
At these thoughts go through my mind, I am reminded of the various stories in the Old Testament about kings and prophets. The prophets would speak out against the actions of the kings that were causing hardship for the people. Eventually the people would get the message and would stage an uprising against the king. For awhile there would be peace and then the people would want a king again to look after them. And the whole scenario would start over again.
What is interesting to me about this is not that the people never learned but that the people who had a part in deciding what stories were contained in the Old Testament thought that these stories were important enough to be told over and over again. What lesson did they want to be sure was passed on to future readers? Why did it need to be emphasized?
Obviously Jesus got the message. He was raised to be at home in the synagogue and would have heard these stories read from an early age. He grew up to embody care for the underdog, the marginalized, the stranger. His life was indeed modelled on the Old Testament prophets. And by his example, so should ours be.
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