There was a loud bang on the window beside our bird feeders. Nothing unusual there as it is a weekly occurrence for birds to fly into it on their way to or from the feeders. However this time when my husband looked out to see what had happened a bird was lying on the bush beneath the window with its head pointing at an unnatural angle. He checked again later while having a coffee and yes, the bird was still lying there, motionless. It was our first fatality at the feeders and we both felt badly that, despite the stickers to warn the birds we have on the window, this had happened. Later on that day, when he was refilling the bird feeder, he happened to glance over at the bush again and saw the bird was still lying there in exactly the same position as before. However as he was watching, it stirred, gave itself a shake, and flew off. A Resurrection!
Everyone has similar resurrection stories from their own experiences, whether or not they have actually ever been acknowledged as such. These are often the stories we tell around the table with family or friends. They are the stories that have imprinted themselves on our sub-conscious because of the feeling of awe or wonder they inspire. Some like the bird story above could be about rising from the dead or near death experiences. Others might have changed us by opening us up to a new outlook on life. While others might actually have changed our core values or our perception of who or what God is, or is not.
One interesting thing about a resurrection story is that the resurrection doesn’t happen immediately For our small bird, it took a matter of hours, for Jesus, it was three days. The time required for recovery, for transformation can’t be side-stepped. One cannot go directly from trauma to resurrection without passing through what is sometimes called ‘the vale of tears’.
As we draw closer to the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, we are called to pay attention to the resurrection stories in our own lives. What are they? Have they sent us down different road? Have they make a real difference in our life or in someone else’s? Did we experience transformation as a result?
The resurrection story I shared with you at the beginning has focused my musings on the other resurrection stories in my life. I hope is will help to do the same for you as we enter the last few days of our Lenten journey this year.
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