“We Christians say glibly that we are "saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus" but seem to understand this as some kind of heavenly transaction on his part, instead of an earthly transformation … We need to deeply trust and allow both our own dyings and our own certain resurrections, just as Jesus did! This is the full pattern of transformation.” Richard Rohr
I have a ‘Resurrection Story’ for this morning … well sort of!

The core of the ‘Resurrection story that we will hear read from the Gospel and preached in the sermon on Easter Sunday talks of the bodily resurrection after 3 days of a man who had been crucified by the Roman Empire as [pardon the term] a shit-disturber. Many people to this day believe literally what the Gospel writers were saying. However once you leave that childlike belief in the magical for a more mature faith, you see the story in a different way that is just as true.
I believe in the resurrection of Jesus: not a physical resurrection, but just the same a resurrection. After his death his followers were so inspired by what Jesus had taught them, that instead of forgetting what he had taught, they began to live their lives by those precepts.

Like the computer hoped to be, like you and like me, Jesus, too, was resurrected.
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