I have said for many years [especially since the advent of email into our lives] that I don’t particularly like using the telephone - and every time I say it, I feel like no one will understand. Now I find that there is even a word to describe that feeling and that I apparently have company.

How often during a normal week or month, do I put off doing something because I feel uncomfortable doing it and if I can ignore it long enough it will go away? Far more often than I would care to admit probably. And yet, just like a telephone call, I would likely find the result not unpleasant. How often do we refrain from doing something new, trying out a new piece of technology or expanding our knowledge just because we are afraid of whatever might come from it? And yet only by doing and learning new things will we continue to grow as human beings. It is also true in organizations. While we will just stopped growing as humans beings if we ignore the opportunities for change, organizations will actually die if they ignore those same opportunities, growth [and profits] faltering only to disappear altogether without the imposition of change.

So when you come across an organization that is shrinking, or a person who has failed to grow and mature, ask yourself what opportunity for change they have ignored to their detriment. Maybe, just maybe, if you are a member of that organization, you can be the catalyst that jump-starts them towards the changes necessary for a robust survival.
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