One of the examples given that spoke to me was “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.” ~Billy Sunday [American Evangelist] How true. How very true! But at the same time, not the expected outcome.
Often we hear someone say, “My friend is a wonderful person, but they never go to church.” or conversely hear someone say “The church is full of hypocrites.” Both of those people have bought into the above paraprosdokian by expecting the first part of the saying to go with the ending, that going to church actually does make you a Christian.

a: one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ
b: a disciple [implies a devoted allegiance to the teachings of one chosen as a master.]
It would be possible to attend church regularly and only profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus by participation in the service - as a fan of Jesus. Where the rubber hits the road though is by becoming a disciple of Jesus and showing an allegiance, a commitment, to his teachings. Commitment is not a popular word these days when our society revolves around personal pleasure and comfort. The very thought that we put the ideals of someone else before our own, is an anathema. But that is what being a disciple calls us to do.
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