As I listen to the Christmas/seasonal songs on the media and in the malls, I find myself asking myself the question: Just how many different things are we celebrating on December 25? Because I do think there is more than one celebration, probably more than two or three for most of us. Oh yes, we may say we are celebrating Christmas, because it is the birth of Jesus but is that really all….. or is it even one of the main celebrations?
So just what do we celebrate (and how) here in North America? Here is the beginning of a list. I’m sure there are many more, as many more as there are people celebrating.
- The birth of Jesus
- Family traditions
- Friendships
- Our economic ability to be consumers
- A primeval need to celebrate and drive away the darkness
- Winter holiday
- A time to make businesses profitable
None of these are bad! I suspect we all celebrate a number of them, as well as others, at this time of year. However what I do find disturbing is that we try to pretend that what WE are really celebrating is the birth of Jesus and nothing else..

Before you become too critical of how others in our communities are celebrating [or not] this Christmas season, I’m asking you to consider how many of the above celebrations you are part of this year, and how many others as well the aren’t even on the list. Think about your calendar and your to-do list. Where is the major portion of your time and money being spent in the next 4/5 weeks? That is what you are mainly celebrating!
Again, whatever you are celebrating not a bad thing …. as long as you are aware of what it is.
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