‘If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself.’ ~ Rollo May
[May was an American existential psychologist …The philosopher and theologian Paul Tillich was a close friend who had a significant influence on his work.(Wikipedia)]
It must have been a year ago, as I was talking one night on the phone to my friend, that she said these words to me “I don’t know where you get the ideas for your blog. Perhaps you make the stories up. In any case, you should get this book [the title of which escapes me] and it will give you lots of them!”
I was flabbergasted! I had never imagined that anyone would think I made up the stories that I wrote about in my blog, let alone someone who had known me for 20+ years! After all the name of the blog ‘Nudgings” is based on the premise that we all can experience ‘Nudgings’ from everyday events if we are open to them. And so I talk about the mundane, the trivial, as well as the important events in my life all of which often lead somewhere very different as they mull around in my brain.

In all three of the synoptic gospels, [Matthew, Mark and Luke] Jesus is reported as asking Peter “Who do you say the I am?” Note that he didn’t ask Peter who the other discipline said that he was, nor who the Romans said that he was. No, he asked ‘Who do YOU say that I am?’ He wanted to hear what Peter thought, not a rehashing of what others might think. If he had wanted to hear that, he would have asked them.
I finally understand, long after that comment was made, just why it has continued to niggle inside my brain, as I realize more and more, that the only viewpoint I can write and talk about is mine. It is part of the ancient wisdom from the Bible as well as from the current day. As Virginia Woolf said, ’If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.’
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