As l sat down to lunch with my friend, she started the conversation by saying “I have an ethical dilemma and I need your advice!” That set me back on my heels! ME give HER advice on an ethical dilemma!! After she had told me her story and I had responded, she said, ‘You were the best person I could think of to help me with this.’ While I have always considered myself a fairly ethical person, where in the world had this come come from? It must have come as a result of all the conversations over lunches, the text messages, the phone calls, the emails, the recommending (or not) of TV shows, the lending of books, all the trivia of our relationship. It did not come from a long and intense discussion of ethics. In fact I can't recall that word ever being uttered during any of those times. To say that this was a sobering experience is putting it mildly! Then I came across this quote by Dorothy Day, an American journalist, social activist, and Catholic convert. ‘A pebble cast...
These poems, quotes and reflections have all 'nudged' me along my way on this journey. Perhaps they will speak to you too!