We have all heard the saying “Don’t judge a man[ sic ] until you have walked a mile in his[ sic ] shoes” (American proverb) Yet I would posit we do it everyday and/or have it done to us. For example: A number of years ago, while I was using a personal trainer to strengthen my knee after an accident, I was participating in a day-long event during which the leader referred to women with personal trainers as being [and I quote] “rich bitches”. It just so happened that in this group of 9 or 10 women there was another woman who also had a personal trainer to strength her back against work-related injuries. Did it bother her? I don’t know. But I know it made me resentful and angry for the rest of the day and I still remember the comment, how unjust it was was and how it ruined that experience for me.. For the past 5 years, I had found myself in the position of needing bi-weekly appointments with an Esthetician having my nails reinforced with a layer of gel beneath the polis...
These poems, quotes and reflections have all 'nudged' me along my way on this journey. Perhaps they will speak to you too!