was just recently at my G.P.’s for that ‘dreaded’ annual physical when I learned
something absolutely amazing – at least it was to me! When I commented on my
loss of height during the past 12 months, his response was “Last year you were here in the morning not the afternoon and you are
just seeing the result of gravity on your body. Everyone loses just under an
inch every day.” What
an amazing concept!
As soon as I got back to my computer, I
‘googled’ it and here is what I found ~
"Perhaps the most noticeable effect of gravity on the body is compression of the spine. Our spine consists of vertebrae and sponge-like discs. The downward force of gravity causes the discs t lose moisture throughout the day, resulting in a daily height loss of up to 1/2" - 3/4 "! The moisture returns to the disc overnight, but not 100%. Over a lifetime, a person can permanently lose between 1/2" - 2" in height!" [www.evoluntionhealth.com]
Who knew! Soooo, being a ‘good librarian’
I checked some other websites as well [including the New York Times], only to
find, that this is apparently a well-documented fact. This got me thinking of
what else might impact on me, without my being aware of the effect: things like
lack of sunlight, a full moon, someone else’s mood, lack of caffeine, dull grey
skies, a howling wind, stress, the food I eat. These may cause me to be
irritable, tired, develop high blood pressure or cholesterol, become depressed
or just shrink! In truth, many things, known
and unknown, shape our days.
the same way, does my concept of ‘God” shape my day? I believe it does in a
very telling way. If I am impatient, angry, thoughtless, unkind or selfish, my
‘God’ is also. If I need more of money
or possessions, my ‘God’ is the God of scarcity. If I am afraid of what might
happen in the future, my ‘God’ is a God of the future not the present.
If I can hold back that unkind word, look that
homeless person in the eye, speak up at the racial slur, my ‘God’ is a God of compassion
and inclusiveness. If I always have more than enough of money and ‘stuff’ for
my needs, then my ‘God’ is a God of abundance. When I am able to let go of the
past and stop worrying about what the future might hold, then my ‘God’ is the
God of the here and now.
I act, not what I say I believe, tells others just who my ‘God’ really is. Who
has your ‘God’ been today?
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