We are all familiar with the saying ‘Ye cannot serve God and mammon.’ Matthew 6:24 {KJV] Mammon in the New Testament is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or anything that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain. [adapted from Wikipedia] Two of the major preoccupations in today’s society are money and religion. Money is viewed i n today’s society as having real value, despite the fact that it is flat currency, not backed by anything. So we have people saying that they would prefer to use ‘real’ money over a debit card, when in fact both are equally ‘real’. God is seen by many [especially in the Christian Right] as an old man in the heavens sitting on a throne, who intercedes in our affairs if we ask nicely, go to the right church or belong to the right religious sect. If God doesn’t like what we are saying, or if we don’t ask often enough, then our prayers aren’t answered. Illnesses and freak weather occurrences all come fro...
These poems, quotes and reflections have all 'nudged' me along my way on this journey. Perhaps they will speak to you too!