Is the main purpose of the church to provide community? I doubt that anyone would say ‘Yes” to that question. If the reason we go to church is for the community, then I would posit, the church is not fulfilling its real job. I recently heard a preacher make this statement during the sermon: “Some folks, if they are honest, would say that they come to church for the community, not the sermon not the liturgy… but because they like like the company of like-minded people…and that’s OK, that is a valid statement” And so I ask you, “How any times have you heard a similar statement or perhaps even made it yourself?” It was probably followed by something like ‘It doesn't matter who the priest is’; 'I really don't care if they don't use......’; and a lot of others, all to be followed by ‘I go, because of the community, because of the people there’. And of course there is nothing wrong with this statement. We all like to be with people who think like we do and ...
These poems, quotes and reflections have all 'nudged' me along my way on this journey. Perhaps they will speak to you too!