“When life piles up on us it makes me question the notion that God does not give us more than we can manage. Fodder for a discussion.” From my email in-box This appeared in my email at a very apropos time. The 5 days over the Thanksgiving weekend had been horrendous, starting with being rear-ended at a traffic light and ended with my phone dying and needing to be replaced immediately, in order that I could deal with the fallout from the previous 5 days. Add into this mix, a husband recovering from surgery, the expectations surrounding Thanksgiving, doctors and physiotherapy appointments for me, all over a holiday weekend, and it becomes obvious why this email impacted me. ‘God never gives us more that we can handle”, is an oft-heard quote, that never actually appears in the Bible. It seems to suggest a benevolent God, that watches over us, deciding just how far we can be pushed. It belongs to the belief system that has an all-knowing God out there who answers our prayer...
These poems, quotes and reflections have all 'nudged' me along my way on this journey. Perhaps they will speak to you too!