A truck driver once said to me that he felt responsible, like a parent, for all the other driver’s on the roads. And I’m sure you have heard other people say, “Don’t mother me!’ Obviously there are different ideas of just what makes a parent out there. And probably we have all held both of them at one time or another, possibly even at the same time. When we say ‘Don’t mother me’, we are referring to that parent who is forever telling us what to do, what not to do, worrying over whether we have the brains to come in out of the rain. The second type of parent [the one we see ourselves as..lol…] is a parent who looks out for their children, whatever their ages. By their actions, that parent tries to make those lives as safe, as secure, as life-giving, as they possibly can. A full definition of parenthood from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary is ‘the state of being a parent; specifically: the position, function, or standing of a parent’. According to the dictionary then, b...
These poems, quotes and reflections have all 'nudged' me along my way on this journey. Perhaps they will speak to you too!