Christmas time is once again upon us. Before the Americans have had their Thanksgiving feast and, if we’re lucky, after the Jack-o’lanterns have been cleared away, the stores begin playing their seasonal music. December 25th, that day that surprises us every year with its approach and sends us into a seasonal tizzy of preparation is being hyped wherever we go. But what exactly is that the hype and the preparation is all about? And why, why, on December 25th, here in the northern hemisphere, when the weather can be so treacherous and inhospitable? It certainly wasn’t the time of year portrayed in Luke’s story of the Nativity, when the author writes: ‘In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. ’ Luke 2: 8 According to both Sara Ruhin, chief of the Israeli weather service who said in a 1990 press release “The temperature in the area of Bethlehem in December averages around 44 degrees Fahrenheit but can drop to well be...
These poems, quotes and reflections have all 'nudged' me along my way on this journey. Perhaps they will speak to you too!